
California Man Dies of Flesh Eating Bacteria After Chasing His Dog Into a Pond

California Man Dies of Flesh Eating Bacteria After Chasing His Dog Into a Pond With A Scratch On His Arm          A lady in California is advising the general public to stay away from standing water after her son mysteriously contracted a flesh-eating bacteria and passed away. Jeff Bova, 41, died unexpectedly on Friday after he chased his dog into a pond last month while wearing a tiny cut on his right arm. “Stay away from standing water, especially after it rains, because there is just a ton of bacteria in it,” Susan Mc Intyre, Bova's mother, said. “If you get any kind of cut and it starts getting red, go to the doctor immediately — don’t wait." According to Bova's mother, he has necrotizing fasciitis. The infection, which is frequently fatal, spreads quickly and kills soft tissue in the body. Warm skin with red or purple regions of uncomfortable swelling that extend outside the afflicted area are the first symptoms, followed by fever, exhaustion, and vomiting. According

Covid Caused Brain Damage in 2 Babies

Covid Caused Brain Damage in 2 Babies Affected During Pregnancy Electron microscope image of the virus that causes Covid-19. The SARS-CoV-2 virus crossed a mother's placenta and caused brain damage in the children she was carrying, according to researchers at the University of Miami. These two cases are thought to be the first two verified instances of this happening. Although doctors had previously assumed this was possible, there had been no conclusive proof of Covid-19 in a mother's placenta or an infant's brain up to this point. In 2020, during the peak of the Delta wave of the pandemic, babies were born to young women who tested positive for the virus during their second trimester before vaccines were available. From their first day of life, the babies had seizures. The infants, unlike Zika, did not have microcephaly, a disorder characterized by a tiny head size. Instead, the researchers found that as their brains stopped developing normally over time, microcephaly gra

Should We Be Fearful of Warming Oceans?

  Should We Be Fearful of Warming Oceans?      Infections from a particular type of flesh-eating bacteria, which can be fatal, could significantly rise in the coming decades as ocean temperatures rise and the organisms expand to new coastal regions as a result of climate change.According to research released on Thursday in the j ournal Scientific Reports , the number of Vibrio vulnificus infections along the eastern U.S. coast may double over the next 20 years, in part because warmer sea surface temperatures will allow the flesh-eating bacterium to flourish in waters farther north than ever. Warm, shallow coastal waterways are ideal habitats for the V. vulnificus bacterium, and summertime is usually when infections are most common. Through wounds or other skin lesions that come into touch with seawater, people may pick up an infection. Due to its quick spread of infections as well as its ability to seriously harm a person's skin, V. vulnificus is known as "a nasty little bug

Is Running Bad for Your Knees?

  Is Running Bad for Your Knees?  Runners make their way across the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge during the start of the New York City Marathon in 2019. Often, runners will hear this warning “Keep pounding the pavement and you’ll destroy your knees.” Runners are not more likely to develop hip or knee osteoarthritis the longer, faster, and more frequently they run, according to a recent study that included a sizable survey that marathon runners took part in. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , more than 32.5 million adults in the United States suffer from osteoarthritis, a disease characterized by deteriorating cartilage where the bones meet. Osteoarthritis can result in discomfort, stiffness, and even disability as the cartilage protecting the bones deteriorates. It is the most prevalent type of arthritis, particularly in older people, and there is no recognized treatment for it. In the new study, 3,804 leisure runners who took part in the Chicago Marathon in 2

Time Zone on the Moon?

  Does the Moon Need a Time Zone? NASA Astronauts on the lunar south pole  I know that we have all heard about Pacific Time and Eastern Time, but maybe one day we will hear about moon time? There are dozens of lunar adventures that are in motion for the future, and even plans to build bases and other habitats on the moon. The European Space Agency thinks the time has come for some harmony. Normally, the time in space is determined based on the time on Earth, but as more countries prepare to establish bases on and around the moon, it may be necessary to develop an international system for measuring lunar time. A universally recognized time zone for the moon will facilitate communication between space organizations and may also result in more accurate guidance and navigation on the lunar surface. However, according to European space officials, there are a few major obstacles. A singular space agency may or may not be in charge of creating and preserving "moon time," for examp

My Home Away From Home

College City and Williams Go Hand in Hand Willams Baptist University Welcome to College City!   The place that I have called my second home for three years now is College City, Arkansas. It has a population of 455 and is merged with the nearby town Walnut Ridge. Williams Baptist University , a four-year liberal arts private institution, is the heart and focal point of College City. This Christian university was founded in 1941, and currently has about 600 students.  ☆= College City   Given how important sports are to Willams, the majority of students there are athletes. This year, athletics in multiple sports have been thriving and accomplishing exciting things. Josh Austin, Williams' head coach of basketball, is currently the program's winningest coach in men's basketball history. In his 12th season as the Eagles' coach, he has a 15-9 record and now has 166 victories. Williams lost to William Woods 65-82 to cap their regular season, which saw them finish as the #4 s

Covid Can Cause Damage to Heart

  How Covid Can Hurt the Heart A Medical Worker Treating Covid Patient in ICU           It was discovered that Covid can result in long-lasting heart issues. The effects of Covid on the heart have long been known, but a recent investigation focused on the alleged microscopic alterations brought on by the virus. According to preliminary study, Covid can harm the heart's cells and result in long-term issues like irregular heartbeats and heart failure. When Columbia University in New York City looked at autopsied heart tissue from Covid patients, they discovered that the infection had harmed the way the cells in the heart controlled calcium levels, a mineral that is crucial for the heart's ability to contract and circulate blood throughout the body. In another section of the investigation, mice with Covid showed the same harm. Video that Contains Link Between Covid and Heart Disease     An individual with Covid will experience a significant inflammatory reaction from their immune