Is Running Bad for Your Knees?

 Is Running Bad for Your Knees? 

Runners make their way across the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge during the start of the New York City Marathon in 2019.

Often, runners will hear this warning “Keep pounding the pavement and you’ll destroy your knees.” Runners are not more likely to develop hip or knee osteoarthritis the longer, faster, and more frequently they run, according to a recent study that included a sizable survey that marathon runners took part in. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 32.5 million adults in the United States suffer from osteoarthritis, a disease characterized by deteriorating cartilage where the bones meet. Osteoarthritis can result in discomfort, stiffness, and even disability as the cartilage protecting the bones deteriorates. It is the most prevalent type of arthritis, particularly in older people, and there is no recognized treatment for it. In the new study, 3,804 leisure runners who took part in the Chicago Marathon in 2019 or 2021 were questioned about everything from their family history of arthritis to how long they had been running on average. Even among medical professionals, there is a general consensus that engaging in repetitive motions like running causes the cartilage in the knee and hip to deteriorate more quickly, increasing the risk of osteoarthritis. Doctors found that this was not the case. Surprisingly, they discovered no association between a runner's weekly running mileage, pace, amount of marathons run, or years of running experience and an increased risk of developing knee or hip arthritis. For most people, running is a safe activity and we need to step away from the “wear and tear" mentality. Running can definitely ward off health conditions like obesity and heart disease but it won't stop the inescapable risk factors for osteoarthritis.

 Watch this cool video that shows exercises to help strengthen your legs, hips, and core!


  1. Hey Laila, this was a good read. As someone who runs a lot this information was very useful. Thank you!

  2. This was a great read, but as someone who has a deep hatred for running I am sad to have one of my excuses taken away.


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